
Reasons for a weak Immune system

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Reasons for a weak Immune system

The following are characteristics of an unhealthy life style that will take a toll on your body leaving you vulnerable to infections of all kinds including COVID 19 because of a weak immune system.
Low levels of Vitamin D.low vitamin d
Low levels of Vitamin D inhibit the proliferation of B lymphocytes. They also block the differentiation and immunoglobulin secretion in B cells, which, over time, leads to a weak immune system.  Just 30 minutes of exposure to sunlight 5-6 times a week has huge benefits. Sunlight plays an important role in the synthesis of Vitamin D. Good dietary sources of Vitamin D include egg yolk, fish oils and red meat. The recommended daily intake of Vitamin D is 100 micrograms (4000 IU).Anxiety and chronic stress cause the release of the hormone cortisol in the body. Cortisol is also known as the stress hormone. A high cortisol level is important for an effective “fight or flight response” of the body to impending danger. However, high cortisol levels also predispose to inflammation in the body. Inflammation inhibits the secretion of Integrin from T helper lymphocytes. Integrin helps T cells bind with invading pathogens. Inflammation from any cause leads to a weakened immune system by suppressing Integrin secretion.
Chronic stress also reduces the lymphocyte count in the blood. Lymphocytes are an important part of a robust immune system. Meditation, Yoga, Pranayamam, pursuing a hobby and staying in close touch with family and friends are excellent ways to mitigate high stress levels.


Oct 07 2021