Departments - Radiology


 The advanced use of imaging has become one of the best practices in the field of medicine, making it easier for medical experts to diagnose their patients’ diseases in a fast and safe method. Most of the medical tests today, require radiation to determine the diagnosis and analyse the response of a patient, post treatment.

Scope of Service

 Small and open appearance, bound to reduce the patient’s anxiety and claustrophobia. A completely redesigned RF System and coil architecture is offered by Tim4G. 

The Tim Application Suite includes Neuro, Angio, Cardiac, Body, Onco, Breast, Ortho, Pediatric, CT Fast View and Scientific Suite Syngo MR Software including 1D/2D PACE, Syngo BLADE, iPAT2, Phoenix, Inline Technologies, Syngo WARP and CAIPIRINHA.


  • Direct RFTM technology enabling Tim’s digital-in/out design.
  •  Coil architecture involving Dual-density Signal Transfer Technology.
  •  Whole-body Superconductive Zero Helium Boil-Off 3T Magnet.
  •  Magnet and Gradient Design.
  •  Water-cooled Gradient System which is shielded actively.
  • Uniform RF Distribution in all body regions
